About Us
KALINGA APAYAO ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. is located in Paracelis Road, Callagdao, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga, Philippines and is part of the Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Industry. There are 4 companies in the KALINGA APAYAO ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. corporate family.
Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Utilities, Electric services
KAELCO continuously strives to become an elite EXTRA LARGE CLASS COOPERATIVE by 2022.
Strengthening the commitment of KAELCO Board of Directors and workforce in response to the mandate of new electric industry regime.
Pursue mandate of total electrification.
Excellent delivery of reliable electric service to its stakeholders..
Enhance competency of cooperative employee to meet the demand of changing globalization.
Develop programs to sustain/gain the support and lead KAELCO closer to member-consumer.
Honesty, Selfless Service and Integrity.
Elvie T. Joven
General Manager
Izaac P. Baliang Jr.
BOD President , District VII
Mark D. Blanza
Director, District I
Resley Shyn B. Caldingon
Director, District II
Josefina C. Malaga
Director, District III
Allan T. Tadena
Director, District IV
Rocky Ramos
Director, District V
Helen A. Odiem
Director, District VI
Rolando S. Beran
Director, District VII